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Comments and compliments
"You’re a true pro, and my colleagues and I always have to negotiate about whose book you’ll be working on. I’ve learned a lot from your work, especially the way you explain edits to authors (I try hard do it as well as you, but it never seems to come out quite as smoothly).”
—Dave Lievens, Senior Production Editor, Harvard Business Review Press
"I am so impressed with Patricia E. Boyd, the best copyeditor I've ever worked with—and there have been many—who, although we've never met in person, seemed to intuitively know my mind and made many helpful editing suggestions."
—Sonia Nieto, author of Brooklyn Dreams
"Patricia Boyd, my copy editor, was as discerning as she was discreet."
—Jamie Holmes, author of Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing

"My copy editor is my new favorite person."
—Andrew Shtulman, author of Scienceblind: Why Our Intuitive Theories About the World Are So Often Wrong
"Patricia E. Boyd—whose careful reading not only sharpened the work itself, but also helped me sharpen my writing more generally."
—Amira Jarmakani, author of An imperialist Love Story: Desert Romances and the War on Terror
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